
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Exploring the Renaissance at Castle Gwen

This past weekend my family and I went to a Renaissance Fair located in Tennessee. It's right by a castle that a man built called "Castle Gwen". This is actually a recently built castle, and has just been finished in the past couple years. The story is, the man who built it always dreamed of living in a castle. So one day, he started designing one! It took him and some friends many years to complete, but now it's done! And he didn't just build it for the heck of it, he actually lives in it with his wife! And here's a fun fact; Taylor Swift taped her music video for her song "Love Story" in the castle! Watch the video and see if you recognize the windows and balconies.

Isn't this an amazing castle?!

Some chairs out in the courtyard. It's so pretty out in their yard, because everything is so well kept. It seems like a magical fairy land out there.

Inside one of the main sides of the castle. They have a renaissance style chandelier in the room, surrounded by multiple arches and old-age flags.

Sometimes people dressed in costume would just walk around the fair grounds to add to the mood.

There were even jousts! This is one of my favorite pictures that I took of the men in the competition.

One of the contestants on his steed attempting to hit a target on their run across the yard.

All across the renaissance fair where cute booths selling mystical things like "magic wands."

A huge...troll? Giant? Monster? Who knows, but I thought he was pretty cool!

This is what I left with. A hand-made book made of hand-made/recycled paper, leaves, and sticks. Each book at the booth where I got it from were different, because they are all hand-made and created with objects from nature. I also got a small crystal which would be perfect for making a necklace with.

And sadly I didn't get to take this beauty home. I didn't bring enough money with me, so I was out of luck. BUT!, my parents went again the next weekend with some friends and I made sure to leave a hint that it would make a great birthday present for me! :) It's a hand-crafted envelope style necklace with a little door that actually opens! Some of it's possible uses: emergency tylenol case, m&m case, secret note container, etc.
So if you ever end up going to TN sometime in May, check out the Tennessee Renaissance Fair!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this post is so beautiful! Fantastic pictures! Thank you so much for visitng my blog and for your sweet comment:)



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