
Saturday, June 18, 2011

DIY: Bleached Bottom Jeans

After seeing countless DIY's about bleaching the bottoms of jeans (like the runway jeans in this photo), I decided to do my own version.

-denim shorts (I cut mine from a pair of too-short jeans)
-bucket of water

Here are my shorts cut from jeans.

Pour a cup full of bleach into a bucket of water. Stir it around a bit. Dip your jeans/shorts into the bucket (however much you want to get bleached) and leave for about 10-15 minutes.

After the time passes, check on your jeans. If they aren't bleached enough to your taste, leave for 10 more minutes.

If they still aren't bleached enough, add another cup of bleach to the water.
After your bleaching process is complete, take them from the bucket and hang to dry.

After a lot of the water and bleach drip and dry out of your denim, put it through a wash and dry cycle to clean out the chemicals.

Ta-Da! You're finished! Front of my jeans:
I didn't go for the completely white bleached denim look, but I made the bottoms of my shorts exceptionally lighter than the color used to be.

I liked how on my jeans the bleach soaked in and kind of seeped naturally into the fabric.

I folded up the bottoms to make a cuff and I'm all set! Bleached denim cool-ness, here I come!
Outfit post using these shorts is next!

*top image from HERE

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