
Monday, June 13, 2011

North Carolina Beach Vacation

I really enjoyed my beach vacation! It was so nice to take a break from the normal and get to have some fun with my family. Here are some photos out of my 300 pics. that I thought would be nice to share.

I curled my hair the day before vacation to get some nice beachy waves. I used a 1-inch barrel.

First day at the beach!

Morning on the beach.

On the way back home.
Some souvenirs! A small faux leather/suede dream catcher bag, beaded mini pouch necklace, metal pouch necklace.
My adorable little dream catcher bag!
With my outfit.
The necklace that opens and closes and can contain emergency mints or m&m's etc.
With my outfit.

This beaded bag was so cute! Perfect for with a white t-shirt, denim shorts, cowboy boots, and going out with friends.
It's so pretty when the light shines through the beads.
Flowers at one of the rest stops on the road.
In North Carolina near the coast the houses are so unique! up on stilts, painted colorfully, crow's nest decks, LOTS of windows, etc. Check out these brightly colored houses!
Finally at the beach!
Pelicans flying over the water scouting for fish.
A tiny crab on the sand! They mostly came out at night and my family took some flashlights and hunted them down just for fun.
The sunrise one morning at the gorgeous beach!
My first beach sunrise I ever saw...
The sunrays poked out of the clouds so beautifully.

This place looked like heaven on earth.
The pier.

Looking down a high tower near a kite shop.
This museum was so interesting and fun to explore! I recommend it.

A man's workshop at a hammock store where he personally hand-crafts every hammock.
Seagull secretly picking at a dead, washed-up crab.
He got it! Yum, yum! haha

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