
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nordstrom BP: The Great Escape, Part 1

Because Autumn is my favorite season, especially being from Tennessee where all the leaves turn excitingly vibrant colors around this time, I'm really into the mood for layering, particularly denim and jackets and scarves. And who is a better candidate for inspiration for such a look than Nordstrom BP? Their current Fall collection is bittersweet and warms my insides. Just watch the short video above, "The Great Escape, Part 1." Can you say hipster? The wheat fields and abandoned barns make me want to drive out to the countryside this weekend with some friends to go on a little adventure. It seems as if we  may have perfect weather here this weekend for such an activity. We'll see... In the meantime, enjoy the mini-movie above and fall in love with the rich toned scarves and buckled booties. Oh, and I forgot to mention. If you click this link to go to Nordstrom's site, they are giving away a free dowload-able soundtrack full of road-trip worthy tunes to everyone. All you have to do is click "download soundtrack" when you get there! I just downloaded it, and I honestly want to make a CD of the songs and go on the road. Right now.

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