
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lace Dress In Progress!

Project: Creating my own replica of Erdem's red lace dress from his S/S 2011 collection.

Check out these three posts for my latest updates on the dress so far:
Sewing Project -lace dress by Erdem
Lace Dress Update
Lace Dress Update #2

My Workplace:

The top is now finished (well, all except for the sleeves). On Wednesday me and my grandmother finished sewing the whole top part of my dress -front and back. The sleeves we are going to do on Friday.

Close-up of my gorgeous fabric.

Ta-Da! Part of my lace dress over the slip. Like?

On Friday we will be sewing the sleeves, and will also do the skirt. The next day we get together we will only have to sew the top and bottom together and attach a zipper! We are getting closer and closer to the finished product every day! I'm so excited, because it's actually starting to look like a dress now!

p.s.-I've been working on a couple DIY's this week. Look out for some crafty inspiration coming soon!

Have a great Day!

1 comment:

  1. it's coming along so nicely. can't wait to see the finished product.


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