
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Personal Projects

To entertain you on this average Tuesday night, I would like to update you all on what I've been working on in my personal and academic artistic lives as of late.

In this beautiful piece of pottery made by yours truly are the many more paper beads I've created. They all vary in length, width, color, and print. I still haven't decided what I want to do with them yet!

Last week my IB Art class was studying ancient Italian art, and I had mentioned it to my grandmother, who then told me about a beautiful pin her sister had gotten her a few years ago during one of her adventures in Italy. I got a little polaroid-happy when she showed it to me, as you can see.

I'm really loving this class. We are required to keep a sketchbook full of all of our doodles and research. I decided to personalize it by doing a collage on the front. I'm not sure if I really love it...I may end up covering it with new pictures and create completely different collages throughout the year. It's all about self-discovery and experimentation, right?

I also had to create a visual for my project over what I had learned about Italy's ancient art traditions. To relate to my theme of jewelry, I made this jewelry platter, much like an image I saw on the internet of an ancient Etruscan plate. In this image I was in the process of glazing. Now I have completed glazing, and it has been fired its second time, and looks great! I now use it to display my car keys and sunglasses, etc.

I'm working on many other school and personal art projects, so stay tuned for more updates! P.S. -I'm considering opening an Etsy shop and selling adorable jewelry I'm brainstorming about in my head. I have tons of inspiration for many dream jewelry projects up on my pinterest board, jewelry inspiration. Check it out and comment below with your guesses on what I'm wanting to create!

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