
Friday, March 18, 2011

DIY Friendship Necklaces

I was dazzled by the ladies from Honestly...WTF with their amazing DIY on how to make friendship necklaces. As soon as I saw the pictures I remembered the friendship bracelets I used to make years ago, and now they are coming back! In necklace form! I absolutely love these necklaces, so I decided to make my own, too!


-You need twine, small hex nuts (but big enough to string your necklace through), embroidery yarn, and scissors. Get however many colors of yarn you want to use and put the colors on their own spools to keep your yarn easy to use when making the necklace. (my DIY to make your own spools for embroidery yarn: Embroidery Yarn Spools)

-To make your necklace thicker, you will work the embroidery yarn around the twine to make the necklace. Because my twine is sooo thin, I decided to braid my twine before twisting/tying the embroidery yarn to create the necklace.
-When making my necklace, I put duct tape tabs to show myself when to stop and start using a certain color (I made my necklace have a certain pattern). I even drew myself a pattern to go by on a sheet of paper to remind myself what my pattern was.

-It took me 2-3 days to finish it (working on it off and on throughout the days). But in the end, it turned out to look great! When you are done, simply string on a few hex nuts and tie the top! It's really that easy!

-You can use any embroidery yarn color that you want, but I chose to go with the bright and neon colors for the spring and summer.

Ta-Da! Oh, and I'm not done yet. I'm making more! You know the old saying "Less is more"? Well that doesn't apply here! haha. Make a bunch and mix and match! Have fun!

*for more help on how to actually do the friendship twist/spiral, go to this post by Honestly...WTF


  1. aw love that!

    It reminds me of the braids i used to get in my hair on holiday when i was little lol

    great blog!xxx


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